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Cregagh Primary School, Mount Merrion Avenue
CREGAGH PRIMARY SCHOOL & DEAF UNIT ~ Everyone Welcome, Everyone Valued, Everyone Encouraged, Everyone Achieving ~ CREGAGH PRIMARY SCHOOL & DEAF UNITC ~ Everyone Welcome, Everyone Valued, Everyone Encouraged, Everyone Achieving
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Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Cregagh Primary School.  We are always happy to speak to prospective parents (Contact Us) if you have any queries.

Parents apply for P1 places via an online application.

You should check the Education Authority website on how to apply for a place, key dates in the admissions procedure and preschool providers’ admissions criteria for September 2020 admissions.

EA Admissions Helpdesk can be contacted by phoning 028 9598 5595 Mon to Fri (9am - 5pm)

You can also contact the EA Admissions Helpdesk at the following email addresses below :


Admissions 2024-25


Video guide for prospective P1 parents