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Cregagh Primary School, Mount Merrion Avenue
CREGAGH PRIMARY SCHOOL & DEAF UNIT ~ Everyone Welcome, Everyone Valued, Everyone Encouraged, Everyone Achieving ~ CREGAGH PRIMARY SCHOOL & DEAF UNITC ~ Everyone Welcome, Everyone Valued, Everyone Encouraged, Everyone Achieving
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P5’s first week back

31st Aug 2023

What a great first week we have had so far.


We worked on ‘Marvellous Me’, completed a classroom word hunt and designed a cloakroom peg label. At the end of day one we drew something that was important to us without writing our names on the sheet and then we had to guess who drew the pictures based on the clues.


Later in the week each child got a picture of the same ten shapes that they had to cut out and use their imagination to create something new with them.


Finally, everyone had to write about themselves on a Smartie template as there are lots of smarties in our class. Talking about Smarties, we couldn’t have finished without sampling some of the well known chocolate.