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Cregagh Primary School, Mount Merrion Avenue
CREGAGH PRIMARY SCHOOL & DEAF UNIT ~ Everyone Welcome, Everyone Valued, Everyone Encouraged, Everyone Achieving ~ CREGAGH PRIMARY SCHOOL & DEAF UNITC ~ Everyone Welcome, Everyone Valued, Everyone Encouraged, Everyone Achieving
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Cregagh Primary School’s Handwriting Stars and Big Write Winners.

11th Nov 2022

Well done to the boys and girls who worked very hard to become Handwriting Stars and Big Write Winners. 

The children have been working very hard on improving their handwriting over the last number of weeks and these children have shown consistent neat handwriting. 

The last photo shows the Big Write winners this term. This creative writing process takes place over a number of lessons getting the children to focus on imagination, sentence structure and punctuation. This process also ensures that the children complete a first draft, check and then edit their work.